Forms & Waivers

Once accepted into the program, please complete the following forms and submit by the due date listed below. Please note that waivers sent to us by those who have not received an invitation email and/or confirmed their participation will be discarded.


All forms MUST be signed and submitted to the following website:

Please name the files as LastName_FirstName_FileName


Competitive Programming – Due June 13 –  Medical Form, Code of Conduct, Travel Form, Open Meal Form, Release Waiver, and Student Photo

Computer Science – Due May 23 – Medical Form, Code of Conduct, Travel Form, Open Meal Form, Release Waiver, and Student Photo

Geo Explorer – Due TBD – Medical Form, Code of Conduct, Release Waiver, and Student Photo

Mathematics – Due TBD – Medical Form, Code of Conduct, Open Lunch Form, Sign In/Out, Release Waiver, and Student Photo

All forms MUST be signed and submitted to the following website:


Notes about specific forms:

  • Sign In/Out Form: This form allows students to sign themselves in every morning and out every afternoon without a parent/guardian present. Students who are carpooling or driving themselves will be required to have this form on file prior to attending camp. Students may not sign themselves out prior to the end of camp for that day unless arrangements have been made between the parent/guardian and camp coordinator (i.e. leaving early for a doctor’s appointment).
  • Open Lunch Form: This form allows for students 15 years and older to to be released from the supervision of camp during lunch. Students will be required to go in groups, not individually, with camp participants or lab groups and may not leave campus for lunch. A representative from the camp will be present at the Student Union food court area each day for camper assistance, as needed. (Form not needed for Geo Explorer). Those students under the age of 15 will be monitored by camp staff throughout lunch and will eat in the Student Union.
  • Travel Form (Computer Science): Provides us information regarding how your student is arriving to student and allows them to sign themselves in and out every afternoon without a parent/guardian present. Students may not sign themselves out prior to the end of camp for that day unless arrangements have been made between the parent/guardian and camp coordinator (i.e. leaving early for a doctor’s appointment).
  • Travel Form (Competitive Programming): Provides us information regarding your student’s travel plans for getting to and from the program.